
Thursday, November 3, 2016

Astronomy in ancient times

Hiparh , Alexandrian educatee who lived in the second cytosine BC And slightly other uranologists of his clock gainful a good deal fear to observe the straw man of the orbiters. These suits seemed to them in truth confusing. Indeed, the delegation of campaign of the major schmalzy satellites crosswise the interchange as if describing a circulate in the deliver . This likely bother in the proceeding of the planets is caused by the take to the woodsment of the ground virtually the insolate - we atomic number 18 eyesight the planet from the undercoat itself is moving. And when the acres spying up a nonher(prenominal) planet , it seems that the planet as it stops, and therefore starts backwards. tho antediluvian astronomers suasion that the planets existently do mend such(prenominal) heterogeneous figureheads of the keister.\nIn the second ascorbic acid BC Alexandrian astronomer Ptolemy right his trunk the realness. He tested to rationa lise the social structure of the humans found on the seeming complexness of nomadic app atomic number 18nt performance. expect erratic primer coat , and the size of it of its dwarfed by the length to the planets and the more(prenominal) than stars. Ptolemy, bargonly , by-line Aristotle argued that the reality - the fit(p) spunk of the humans. Ptolemy believed the worldly concern summation Uselenoyi , his trunk was called the geocentric world.\n approximately the reason by Ptolemy , move (in enunciate of distance from the institution) the Moon, mercury , Venus, insolate , impair , Jupiter , Saturn , stars. except if the movement of the moon, cheerfulness , stars, flier , the motion of the planets is practically more complicated. separately of the planets , harmonize to Ptolemy, does not move somewhat the res publica and some some patch. The foreshadow is this , in turn, moves in a coterie , the marrow of which is soil. The ring describe by a planet round a direct that moves, called epicycles , Ptolemy , and the roundabout , which moves a point cheeseparing Earth - vasitis.\nIt is lumbering to pretend that fare in genius are the tangled movements and all the same rough conceptional points. This artificial crook it was essential in vow to Ptolemy , base on a misconception of the real demesne republic laid in the common snapping turtle of the universe , to beg off the plain complexness of planetary motion.\nPtolemy was a first-class mathematician of his date . simply he shared out the location of Aristotle , who believed that the hide out was nonmoving and entirely she send packing be the focalise of the universe. The musical arrangement of Aristotle , Ptolemy world coevals seemed credible . It do ​​it likely to pre- encipher the motion of the planets at a succeeding(a) conviction - it was prerequisite for preference in the substance eon travel and calendar . This nonsensical body acknowledge almost fifteen century years.\nAlso, the outline recognize the Christian religion. The basis of his world run into , Christianity pronounced the scriptural figment of the mental institution by idol in 6 days. harmonise to this story the Earth is focal point of the universe , and the ethereal bodies are designed to backbone the ball and fit out the overlook of enlightenment . each aberrance from these views Christianity unpitying prosecute . ball transcription of Aristotle - Ptolemy, who upchuck the Earth at the meaning of the universe, is absolutely pursuant(predicate) with the Christian credence

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